
One night I had the most realistic dream. My husband and I were at the hospital to adopt the most beautiful little baby boy! He had a head covered in thick black hair and was just perfect!  In the dream, we named him Dane.

When I woke up I was so happy and excited! I rolled over and told my husband! He actually liked the name Dane, although we had never discussed it before!

About four days later one of my repeat customers came in, she was carrying a car seat. She turned it around to show me her newborn adopted son.  I recognized him immediately, it was the sweet baby from my dream! I dreamed of him the day he was born! The kicker of it all, she said his name was Dane.

After she left I cried for a few hours. That was supposed to be my son. Now, I just wonder why I have to see other people’s happiness and never get to experience that for myself. My customer gave me the adoption lawyers information, which was very kind. I just wish we could afford to call him.

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